
Immortal Dragon's Yoga

Relax with Us

Feeling stressed from school, work and life? Are you experiencing muscle or joint pain from your everyday tasks? If so, come join Andrew Lee, Registered Yoga Teacher, at Immortal Dragon for our stress relieving yoga program.

What is yoga? Why is this art so beneficial for my health? Yoga is the unification of body, mind and spirit through the practice of deep breathing, stretches and meditation. Yoga practitioners perform a sequence of stretching poses, known as asanas, that connect the breath to their body’s movement. During asanas, yogis practice a special deep breathing method, called Pranayama, that sends oxygen and nutrients into the bloodstream of various body areas to improve circulation. Yoga has been scientifically proven to increase flexibility, build strength, reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, prevent depression, lower blood pressure and relax the body in many other ways.

Typically, a yoga class concludes with meditation, or shavasana, to relieve the body after extensive physical exercise. Meditation is a key element in yoga that unifies the mind, breath and body. Yoga teachers may lead students through various guided meditations to release negative thoughts and welcome positive energy. This spiritual practice clears the mind, quiets the brain’s constant chatter and helps people reach a euphoric state of pure bliss. Once in a meditative state, yogis embrace this serenity and embark on their own mental vacation.

Yoga’s Health Benefits:

  • Releases stress
  • Calms anxiety
  • Prevents depression
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Relaxes the mind
  • Improves circulation
  • Builds strength
  • Increases flexibility

About The Instructor
Andrew Lee is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) 200 with the Yoga Alliance. Andrew teaches hatha/vinyasa and specializes in power yoga, chair, senior, restorative, partner yoga, meditation and more. During his teacher training program, he gained experience teaching people with disabilities as well. This experience taught Andrew anyone can do yoga regardless of ability, age or skill level. He strongly believes yoga’s healing powers for both the mind and body.

Currently, Andrew is in the process of developing his own style of power yoga, called Keung Lui Gung, that fuses vinyasa and martial arts. To learn more about Andrew, you can visit his official website at

Andrew teaches mixed level hatha/vinyasa yoga classes that enhance flexibility, strength and alignment in a peaceful environment. Poses may be held longer to allow students to fully experience the postures’ benefits. Students work at their own level and modifications of poses are taught as needed. The class learns how to connect their movement with the breath to create a continuous “flow” of poses. Students explore various meditation techniques to relax the mind, body and soul.

All classes are mixed levels
Tuesdays 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Sundays 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Drop-In (Single Person) $15
2 for $20 Buddy Special (Bring a Friend & Pay Only $10 Each)
Immortal Dragon Martial Arts Members $10 (IDMA Members are IDMA Students & Parents of IDMA Students)
Mat Rental $2

Rules & Requirements
Adults 18+
No Prenatal Students
Bring own yoga mat

Immortal Dragon Yoga Testimonials
I've wanted to try yoga for a while but was concerned about not getting aerobic benefits. I wanted to burn calories. I kept reading how important balance and flexibility is along with meditation. I went to Andrew’s class not knowing what to expect. I was nervous but saw several friendly faces from town. There were people at every skill level including beginners like me. The first class wasn't easy but I told myself I would give it 3 months. Within the next few weeks I noticed a big difference in how I felt. I never stretched before and it really makes a difference. Andrew will give variations of poses so you don't feel overwhelmed. I can do poses now I couldn't a month ago. We laugh a lot and every class is different.

I highly recommend trying out one of his classes. You'll be surprised how good you feel.
– Christine Marie

Immortal Dragon yoga has been very beneficial for me. On the days I feel like I can't do one more thing, I go to class and come out feeling relaxed and calm. I like the class because while it is challenging, I never feel overwhelmed or pressured to compete with others. I have recommended the class to friends and will continue to do so.
- Pam F.